1) Can you tell me about the future?

Yes and no. I can tell you what factors are present in the now which govern your future. The future is never set in stone, regardless of whether the cards speak of a negative outcome or a positive one.

Always they speak of a way to negate that outcome and invite something more positive. The power of the tarot is not in its predictive ability, but in its ability to shed light on the heart of matters which concern you.

2) What is the tarot best for?

The tarot is best for providing a bigger picture. It shows how all things, people, events, emotions, etc connect together and is best for providing a clearer perspective on the past and present.

3) What is your "specialty"?

I excel at relationship readings (romantic, familial, etc). I can also do readings for career issues, choices, etc. I am not as comfortable with reading about investments and business, but I have been told that my readings for those issues are also highly accurate.

4) Do I have to tell you what the question is? / Does there have to be a question?

You can choose to not tell me what the question is, but I will have a difficult time framing the answer for you in a way that you can best understand. I can also do general readings that do not need a specific question, but I find that my clients will
always follow up with a specific question.

5) Can you do a reading for my boyfriend/girlfriend and I about our relationship?

Sure! Just please know that in my experience, many partners are uncomfortable with being present for tarot readings. Consult with him or her first see if they are 100% okay with the idea. 

6) Will you tell other people about what you read for me? / I have a friend who got a reading from you, can you tell me what it said?

I do not disclose or discuss the subject of someone's tarot reading with anyone else. I consider the bond between the reader and the seeker to be sacred, and I value the trust my client's have for me.

7) How did you learn to read the tarot?  Are you psychic? 

I learned from reading different books, and through practice.  Practice, practice, practice, which eventually turned into experience.  I do not consider myself psychic, as I cannot read minds or whatnot.  I do think my studies in tarot has helped sharpen my intuition, but reading the tarot is an ability everyone has.  It's just that not everyone decides to become a tarot reader :)

8) Are you making this up?  How did you know this?  Did my friends tell you?

No, of course not.  The tarot and the session only reveal what is necessary to reveal, and only through the kind of question you ask.  I do not "make up" anything.  Each of the cards have their meanings, and the rest comes from how the cards relate to each other, and my intuition.

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